#awe know you love# your friends but that’s assuming you don’#t enjoy making them #squirm now and again# here you go #don’t worry Emily we’re with you not at you if you’re looking for some fun ways to print your besties stay tuned because
funniest stand-up comedians
we have a bunch of great ones coming back Terry hey Livia oh it’s the new
Keanu Reeves movie hey can i snag one of those well that’s not very nice fine you won’t share I’ll teach you a lesson Olivia let me show you a trick
fold your hands together like this now I’m going to stick my fingers in between yours good now you can’t use either of your hands sucker indulging in that sweet
tooth again are we oh right which one should I eat first [Music] Emily what are
funniest stand-up comedians
you doing in here it looks like she’s about to get Olivia back for stealing your cheese pops the night before man olivia is going to freak out when she sees that thing all right I’m ready to chow down how did that thing get on my cupcake and to think I almost put the creature in my mouth wait a sec it looks kind of shiny doesn’t it hey this isn’t a real cockroach but boy does this thing look creepy or what why do I have a feeling Emily’s behind this nasty trick I’m going to get you back if it’s the
funniest comedians|DIY-PRANKS-FRIENDS-raw story
funniest stand-up comedians
last thing I do want to give your friends a real scare wait till you learn how to per form this sneaky trick let’s watch it all go down shall we for this prank you’ll need these simple household items take the cap off the can of silly string and pierce it with a pushpin that’s already holding on to a ribbon now place a piece of duct tape over the
top so it presses down the nozzle now stick the can into one of your kitchen cabinets be sure to tape it to the wall of the shelf now take the end of the long ribbon to the inside of the cabinet now we just have to wait for the poor sucker to fall for the trap
uh-oh here we go oh no she totally fell for this messy prank Emily’s going to need a serious shower after this what does not look like it tastes very good ha gotcha girl you what is this stuff even made of anyway you better run because I’m about to kick
your butt ready for the next awesome prank you’ll need two pushpins a plain balloon like this one and tape roll a piece of tape up stick it to the wall and stick a
funniest stand-up comedians pinhead to it take a larger folded square of tape and stick it to the door on the #same# level as the #previous# piece
continue on# so it looks like this now stick #inflated #balloons ♥to the
later pieces of♥ tape any #colours will# do shh don’t tell #Olivia what I just did oh here she comes [Music] what was that the sounds of #popping♥ balloons is so jarring you#
couldn’t scare the# pants #off #anyone who♥
funniest comedians|DIY-PRANKS-FRIENDS-raw story
the raw story facebook-in english
open that door look at them go now that’s the face of beer people who needs coffee if you can get your blood pumping with this enjoying a quiet evening in are we ah time to get lost in a good book let’s see where did I leave off Wow Emily is really fast asleep isn’t she so peacefully oh no what are you gonna do to her Olivia all pranksters no a sleeping friend may well be a giant bullseye let’s try this prank on for size thank oh thank goodness she’s in a deep sleep I’m just going to slowly take your phone yes now hurry up and get out of there girl oh right let’s see how we can screw with Emily today shall we if you have access to funniest stand-up comedians
your friends phone quickly lookup images of broken glass aha I found a winner now go to settings and make this image that phones luck and home screen okay it’s finally time to watch this awesome print in action get up and make a loud stomping noise Oh Emily your phone it just shattered what this is a brand new phone yikes that looks pretty bad doesn’t it hey Emily don’t cry it may not actually be as bad as you think
see yup she got you good Emily if you’re ever out shopping remember you may not want to bring someone like Emily with you huh I could have sworn someone just tapped me on the shoulder great imagining things again okay I definitely felt something that
time seriously what’s this dude’s problem little does Olivia know Emily is up to her sneaky pranks again alright enough this has got to stop hey man why do you keep whoa, Emily, I should have known that was you looking for something to do to spice up the afternoon oh this will do it Emily’s gonna regret leaving her keys lying around
for this prank, you’ll need these in a deflated balloon-like this one go ahead and stick the key fob into the balloon it may be tricky but try to get it all in there
there you go but hold up and quite finished yet go ahead and blow up the balloon the key in there don’t blow too hard now oh right that ought to do it alright I’m heading out to the mall have you seen my car keys by any chance not there did I put them seriously I’ve looked everywhere huh hey what am I keep doing there great how am I supposed to find it in this sea of balloons geez it looks like a flipping birthday party in here funniest stand-up comedians
looks like Emily’s going to be sorting through balloons instead of going shopping the Lydia why do you do this stuff [Music] if you thought these pranks were hilarious just wait till you check out these bloopers feel free to send these pranks to your besties but be aware you still want to give them any ideas as always be sure to subscribe –
one two three goes jokes page for more fun videos like this one
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